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The story of Litty started in 2016, in the dark and cold winter of Sweden, with the realization in the lack of products fulfilling the needs of a modern light. Finally, after a year of developing Litty, and countless number of prototypes and ideas we were satisfied with the results and decided to bring the first Litty to market.

The company LittyLights was founded in 2017 and is run by the two Swedish entrepreneurs Viktor Svensson and Teodor Johnsson. Two engineers and friends with a long resume of successful projects together. 

Our Vision

Every year thousands of pedestrians and cyclists are injured in traffic related accidents, many of which are because of not being visible to other road users.

The risk of being injured or killed in the traffic is three times as large when darkness falls, or even in twilight there is already a significantly higher risk. There is however a very simple solution to reduce the risk and that is by the use of a bright personal light.

Our vision and goal is to increase the safety of people on the go, in urban areas as well as on the countryside. This was done by designing a light so versatile and applicable it fits any imaginable situation you can find yourself in.

With an extremely compact and lightweight design, making it ultra-portable, Litty will always be there for you when you need to be seen.

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